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December 14-21, 2024

El Coco Loco Eco Resort | Nicaragua





Adventure • Giving • Receiving • Impact •

We're thrilled to announce our third Impact Trip to Nicaragua, in collaboration with the Artbound Foundation, benefiting the Waves of Hope charity. This adventure offers a chance to dive into the stunning, unspoiled regions of Nicaragua's north Pacific coast, where you'll find amazing surf, breathtaking sunsets, and the warm hospitality of El Coco Loco resort to ensure your stay is both enjoyable and rejuvenating. It's an opportunity not just for personal growth through adventures, yoga, and surfing but also to contribute meaningfully to the local community using our talents and resources.

In previous years, we've made a tangible impact by expanding the local school with new classrooms, providing a bus for student transportation, and supporting arts and dance programs. This year, we're focusing our efforts on "Mujeres Que Mueven" (Women that Move), an inspiring initiative that encourages women, and by extension their families, to embrace a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, movement, and education. It's a chance to make a difference while enriching our own lives with the beauty and culture of Nicaragua.

The Details

Interested in joining us? Book a clarity call below:

The investment

Included in the retreat is the following: 

- 7 nights/ 8 day accommodation (single or double occupancy available) and 3  delicious farm to table meals per day

- Workshops and activities including surfing, yoga, chocolate making, boat tour, volcano hike and more.

- Transportation and connection to the community to support impact and give back initiatives (to be decided in advance by the group).

- Transfer to and from Managua Airport

Not included:

- Flights and transfer to and from Nicaragua (we can support you in your bookings).

- Pre/ post extensions (although we can support you with your bookings).

- Additional Spa Services or free time excursions


Double Occupancy starts at $2200 USD per person.

Fundraising Commitment: 

As a team we will set personal fundraising goals to support the community initiative. In the past we have committed to $2000 raised per person, and have easily surpassed that amount.

Ready to join us?

Your Facilitator:

Dana Shalit

Impact Consultant and Spiritual Mentor

Dana Shalit's path has been defined by a passion for impact from an early age, beginning with her first charity event at 16. This early start foreshadowed a life dedicated to philanthropy, a commitment that continued through her university years and evolved into a career in event production focused on charitable fundraising.

In 2011, Dana joined the charitable foundation Artbound, broadening her impact through fundraising and leading international impact retreats in countries like Kenya, India, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Guatemala. Despite a pause due to the global pandemic, Dana and her team are planning a return to Nicaragua in December of 2024.

Simultaneously, Dana embarked on a sales career as a brand ambassador, which allowed her the flexibility to run Artbound pro bono for nearly eight years. During this time, she received a company-wide award for her philanthropic efforts, further igniting her drive to inspire millions to contribute to meaningful causes.

The pandemic brought a temporary halt to fundraising events and travel but opened a new avenue for Dana as a consultant for charities and affluent individuals passionate about making a difference. She discovered a shift in the philanthropic landscape: people no longer wanted to just write checks; they cared deeply about the impact of their contributions and sought guidance in aligning their donations with their passions.

This led to the creation of House of Impact, a strategy and consulting firm that assists individuals, businesses, and brands in leaving a positive footprint on the world. At House of Impact, Dana helps clients integrate social responsibility into their core operations.

Now, Dana stands at an intersection where her love for wellness and impact merges with her passion for giving and receiving. She considers it an honor to guide others through this process, leveraging her experiences to facilitate a deeper connection between individuals and the causes they care about.